Sunday, January 27, 2008

Invisible Man - My Thoughts

I enjoyed reading Invisible Man because it has so many great messages and numerous symbols. At first, I was a little lost as to what was going on, but once I caught on I never stopped appreciating Ellison’s masterpiece. At one point I was told about the Trueblood incident before I read it, but thought that Trueblood was the narrator. Because of that, I hated the book until I read that scene for myself to realize that Trueblood is an entirely different character. I am very happy I didn’t have to read about a pedophile for a few hundred pages. After getting over that mix up, though, I really like Invisible Man for the way it is composed, well written, and just a very meaningful read.

1 comment:

Mr. Klimas said...

The scene is more complex than him simply being a pedophile. Who created Trueblood?